Current Sermon Series
Past Sermon Series
January - This 4 week sermon series is all about the revolutionary life of Christ! There is more than a years worth of content Jesus taught and did that changed the world, but during this series we are going to look at his mission, faith, love and blessedness.
December 2019
A look into John 1 1:18, the coming of The Light of The World
November 2019
This 4 week series is all about Family! Through the lens of scripture what can we learn about raising kids God’s way. Lets talk about how discipleship works at home with our kids and with our spouse!
October 2019
This 4 week sermon series looks at the 4 chairs of discipleship. Which chair are you in? What do you need to do to move to the next chair/ next step? Watch the messages to find out.
This nine-week sermon series guide walks through the book of Ephesians. Everyone should have plenty of opportunity todo something epic with the gifts the Lord have given.